“Before meeting, it can be useful to have a brief conversation over the phone to find out what you are looking for and if I am the right therapist for you. Please give me a call or send me an e-mail to arrange this initial preliminary conversation.”
Initial appointment
During the first appointment, you will have an opportunity to discuss the issues you are seeking therapy for. This is an interactive process and so I will also ask questions to clarify the main issues and to gain a better understanding of the difficulties you are experiencing. This is also an opportunity for you to find out more about the process of working with a psychologist. Following this appointment, I can provide a brief assessment letter summarising our first meeting with my initial thoughts and recommendations. Regular appointments are for 50 minutes.
If you decide to go ahead with therapy, we would usually meet for about 4 appointments to develop a more detailed understanding of the difficulties you are experiencing. We would then review our therapeutic work so far and agree on a set number of appointments to work towards. I can offer short-term or long-term therapy to suit your needs and meet with people weekly but can offer fortnightly or monthly appointments if appropriate. The time in sessions is used for reflection and understanding how difficulties have developed and how you have responded to these challenges. Over time, the intention is that you will discover new understandings about your problems, which will provide enough distance from the problems for you to initiate alternative responses that may promote greater emotional well-being.
- You can end therapy at any time by letting me know
- If you cannot attend an appointment, please let me know as soon as possible. Unfortunately I have to charge for appointments cancelled with less than 48 hours notice
- Please contact me directly for information regarding my fees
- I charge more for couple and family work due to the complexity and liaison work involved
- I charge for each appointment at the end of our meeting and accept cash, cheque or BACS
- I am registered with most major health insurance companies. If your treatment is covered by health insurance, it may be possible to claim for the cost of therapy through them
All information is treated confidentially. The only time information is not confidential is where I may be concerned that there is risk to the client or someone they know. In these rare circumstances, it is my professional duty to share this information with another professional such as the GP, so that appropriate support can be organised for the individual.